Press Contact
Randy Skeie
Startly Technologies, LLC d.b.a. CE Software
(515) 221-1801

Startly Technologies, LLC Doing Business As CE Software
Transition from Public to Private company status update

On April 13, 2004, CE Software, Inc. announced the sale of substantially all of the operating assets to a group of employees who will take the company private. The Board of Directors of CE Software, Inc. determined that continued operation as a public company was not in the best interest of shareholders. The costs, both in time and money, were greater than a small company could afford. The new company, Startly Technologies, LLC, will use the name CE Software along with the new name so as not to confuse customers. All the employees of CE Software, Inc. are now employees of Startly Technologies, LLC. The transaction is subject to shareholder approval, but it functionally occurred as of April 1, 2004.

"We are excited about this change," said Randy Skeie, CEO of Startly Technologies, LLC. "This new company will be able to focus more of its attention and resources on product development and marketing. We are currently working on upgrades to both the QuicKeys Windows and Macintosh products, planning upgrades for our other products and exploring new product development. We are committed to continually providing everyday solutions designed to enhance productivity while addressing the needs of our customers."

For more information, go to the CE Software, Inc. April 13th press release.