Don’t Miss a Thing
What’s on the TV? Plug it in to your Mac and find out. Or toss in a DVD or even play a movie file. Keep right on working though because you have Trans Lucy 2, the video player that lets you work and watch at the same time.
You Can See Clearly Now
Trans Lucy’s video display floats above the rest of your windows so you get an unobstructed view of your favorite movies. Oh, but don’t worry you can still see your work because you can change the opacity of Trans Lucy’s display. A clearly unique way to keep entertained.
See It All
Trans Lucy lets you watch all kinds of media: DVDs (including DVD Archives/VIDEO_TS folders), QuickTime movies (files or streams), or plug in a video camera or other video source.
Trans Lucy also lets you catalog your media so you can quickly switch from one video to the next.
Working Hard or Hardly Working
Trans Lucy is a multi-tasker’s dream come true. While you are grinding away on your sales report you can still use Trans Lucy without touching your mouse. Trans Lucy’s hot keys provide control of video playback so you don’t have to switch to Trans Lucy. It even includes a Quick Hide/Boss Coming hot key when you need to get Trans Lucy out of the way quickly.
All Play & No Work?
Sure, with Trans Lucy you can watch the newest DVD release, but you can also use Trans Lucy for serious work. Trans Lucy’s Video In feature lets you monitor events with remote cameras or even use Trans Lucy for security purposes. And Trans Lucy can support as many cameras as you have hooked up to your computer.

System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.4 -10.6Any Intel Macintosh is sufficient
PowerPC 1.0 GHz or faster
Video In feature requires video devices that work with the Mac OS X video digitizer system. Some features require an Internet connection. Some features require suitable graphics hardware. Some features require Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.