We Stopped at the Kitchen Sink
So what's new in QuicKeys 4? Well, we've been busy. Very busy. In QuicKeys 4 we've added so many new things (over 60 new features actually) we aren't sure where to begin!

One word to type them all!
Let's start with Abbreviations. Abbreviations let you type a short word (aka an Abbreviation) in a document and automatically replace it with other longer text, run a QuicKeys Shortcut, or even paste in a QuicKeys Clip. Abbreviations are extremely useful for typing text super quickly. Now you can be verbose by being succinct.

Automation, meet the Web.
Web, meet Automation.
Finally, QuicKeys automation has come to the web! Using Web Actions you can automate web pages in Safari.
Web Actions give you amazing control of most web sites and the ever growing number of web applications.

Everything is online… even QuicKeys!
Then there is the new QuicKeys Online – an online resource center available from right inside the QuicKeys Editor. Here you can find the Shortcut Gallery where you can download pre-made Shortcuts submitted by other users (and you can share your own, too, if you wish), view tutorials, and read regularly updated tips and tricks of how to use QuicKeys (posted via QuicKeys on Twitter).

A fresh, warm batch of files
Another great new feature is Batch Processor. Batch Processor actions let you repeatedly run a Shortcut that performs actions for all the files in a particular folder.

Instant Gratification
For those times you just want to quickly automate something and keep right on going we've added the new Instant Shortcut. This special Shortcut lets you make a quick, temporary recording of your actions that can be played back over and over until you record a new Instant Shortcut. You can, of course, save a copy to add to your collection of useful Shortcuts.

Have a QuicKey anytime, anywhere
Do you have an iPhone/iPod touch? Get the QuicKeys Anywhere remote control app from the iTunes AppStore. It lets you run your Shortcuts back on your Mac from wherever you and your iPhone/iPod touch may be (with a WiFi or phone connection of course). Available now!

Perfect Harmony
If you need to rock out with QuicKeys, we have new MIDI triggers that let you trigger Shortcuts via MIDI enabled musical instruments or equipment. You can even specify musical chords as triggers to give you an incredible variety of possibilities.